Let's talk about him
In just five minutes you will be able to discover some of Jesus's qualities.Join and share this content through social media and complete an online bible course.

What does He expect of me — Service How do you serve God? Is there a place where I can register? Does God need me to help others?
What does He expect of me — Commitment Does God demand something from me in exchange for his salvation, healing, etc.? What does God expect of me? How do I show that I want to have a relationship with God?
What does He do for me — Heals Spiritually How do I realize that I have a spiritual problem? Is there anything in my being that can heal me? Can I trust God as a spiritual coach?
What does He do for me — Heals Why do I need salvation? How does Jesus save me? Although we can accept him as Savior, is there anything beyond salvation?
What does He do for me — Saves Why do I need salvation? How does Jesus save me? Although we can accept Him as Savior, is there anything beyond salvation?
Sho is He — The Messiah What does the word "Messiah" mean? How do we know that Jesus was the Messiah? Is it still important for us today that Jesus is the Messiah?
Who is He — Son of Man What does the expression "the Son of man" mean? So is Jesus man or is God? What does this mean for my life?
Who is He — God Creator What is the origin of the world? How do we realize that Jesus is the Creator? What does it mean to me that Jesus is the Creator?

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